Monday, June 14, 2021

Message of Hope

No matter how bad things may get with everything cruel happening in the world even with the pandemic changing our lives every single day, know that you are never alone in your pain and there will always be hope and light at the end of the tunnel. Do not let other people define you. They may be able to control everything but there are things they will never change and take away and that is your personality, your dreams and your will to survive and thrive. You do not need their validation nor their underestimation. You do you and let them do them. There is freewill to choose on how we live our lives and how we want to grow. Remain humble and kind even with the people have wronged you so bad that you wouldn't even want to forgive them. You would be the better person if you remain humble and kind. You wouldn't want to make the world more miserable than it is, right? Just do not lose your humanity in the process. Kindness and compassion is what we all need, not dehumanization in all forms. 

I do believe the fact that human beings are social creatures with the capacity to help one another and make a positive difference in other people's lives by ways of inspiration, motivation and encouragement. This is one way to build a community of love and values. In cultural psychology, we call that Collectivism which means we do not only care for ourselves but also care for one another, to help each other grow into better people. This is what I envision and I hope this will one day come into fruition. Don't be disheartened because there always be people caring for you no matter how far they are and no matter how alone you feel. 

Take solace in the thought that you will not lose yourself as God is always there to guide you and help you (I don't mean to offend atheists or agnostics but this is what I see). Believe that He understands your pain and you may take refuge in Him. Believe that hope will never expire. 

I want you to know that you are important, you are special, you matter and you are loved. Acknowledge this and you are already on the way to a better place.

May God bless you all. 

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